Home > bash, Linux, MariaDB, MySQL > MySQL, Percona, MariaDB long running processes clean up one liner

MySQL, Percona, MariaDB long running processes clean up one liner

There are tools like pt-kill from the percona tool kit that may print/kill the long running transactions at MariaDB, MySQL or at Percona data instances, but a lot of backup scripts are just some simple bash lines.
So checking for long running transactions before the backup to be executed seems to be a step that is missed a lot.

Here is one line that might be just added in every bash script before the backup to be executed
Variant 1. Just log all the processlist entries and calculate which ones were running longer than TIMELIMIT:

$ export TIMELIMIT=70 && echo "$(date) : check for long runnig queries start:" >> /tmp/processlist.list.to.kill && mysql -BN -e 'show processlist;' | tee -a /tmp/processlist.list.to.kill | awk -vlongtime=${TIMELIMIT} '($6>longtime){print "kill "$1";"}' | tee -a /tmp/processlist.list.to.kill

Variant 2: Log all the processlist, calculate the calculate which processes are running longer than TIMELIMIT, and kill them before to execute the backup:

$ export TIMELIMIT=70 && echo "$(date) : check for long runnig queries start:" >> /tmp/processlist.list.to.kill && mysql -BN -e 'show processlist;' | tee -a /tmp/processlist.list.to.kill | awk -vlongtime=${TIMELIMIT} '($6>longtime){print "kill "$1";"}' | tee -a /tmp/processlist.list.to.kill | mysql >> /tmp/processlist.list.to.kill 2>&1

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